Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Selfie with Frida Khalo

 Imposters, Tricksters and Spies - Joanna Finkelstein, Ch 1

  1. The remarkable performance of Arnold du Tilh and the convincing delivery of his ‘thousand necessary lies’ would have appealed to an educated man like Coras, and though the deceit raised questions about personal identity and social facsimile, it was also a bravura piece worthy of applause. Pg 25

  2. As it turned out Agnes was not a true mistake of nature, she was not a biological freak, she was not a truly inter-sexed person and she was not suffering from a rare endocrine disorder that feminized the sex organs

.pg 56

John Berger, Ch 1

  1. Gradually it became evident that an image could outlast what it represented ; it then showed how something or somebody had once looked - and thus by implication how the subject had once been seen by other people. 

Pg 10

  1. For the first time ever, images of art have become ephemeral, ubiquitous, insubstantial, available, valueless,free… they have entered the mainstream of life over which they no longer, in themselves, have power.

Overlooked No More: Ana Mendieta, a Cuban Artist Who Pushed Boundaries | NYTimes

  1. “She was always very dramatic, even as a child — and liked to push the envelope, to give people a start, to shock them a little bit. It was who she was, and she enjoyed it very much. And she laughed about it sometimes when people got freaked out.”

  2.  She invited an audience to the made-up crime scene, where she  remained bent over the table with blood dripping down her legs and pooling at her feet as they discussed the incident.

Words that describe Frida Kahlo

Unique, creative, traditional, loving, defiant, authentic, talented, beautiful, colorful, damaged, powerful, depressed, symbolic, real, raw

Words that describe my selfie 

Deceiving, Colorful, Bright, stressed, beautiful, tired, real, natural, emotional, sensitive

I know that the picture that I decided to use of myself is not a direct recreation of Frida Kahlo’s beautiful piece titled “Self Portrait with Loose Hair” , but I was inspired to use this one after reading the description and inspiration behind the piece. In one article I read, it said that she was exhausted at the time she painted this but most likely still decided to wear her hair out because her husband was obsessed with her long hair. This photo of me was taken Thanksgiving afternoon , I was stressed about school and other factors of my life. I did not feel like getting dressed and I certainly did not feel like going through the process of doing my hair but I did it because I knew that my mom wanted my “beautiful” long hair out for the pictures. Another reason why I chose this specific picture because the very day after I cut roughly half of it off to please myself. 

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