Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Selfie with Cindy Sherman


Arianna Perez,  Self Mirror photo, 2021
Cindy Sherman, Untitled still film, 

Painting With Words, Writing With Color

“how he fluctuates between doubt and drive,” 

“We see the prizewinning piece” — not the nagging insecurities that may have accompanied its creation.

In this article, I learned how people who go to art showcases or exhibits only see the painting and not the hard work behind it. Artists spend so much time trying to perfect their craft, sometimes it's not appreciated enough as the art piece itself.


“His flag enhances our visual vocabulary on the issue of the surveillance state. Depicting a weeping angel surrounded by code, he refers to a hacking tool developed by CIA to spy on citizens.”- Trevor Paglen; Weeping Angel, 2017

"The number 1,105 is the exact number of days the residents have spent without new water pipes after one of the worst man-made environmental catastrophes in recent national memory.- LaToya Ruby Frazier - Flint, 1,105 Days And Counting Man-Made Water Crisis, 2017"

After reading the article about all the different flags I realized how symbolic most of them are. The two flags listed above actually informs others about real-life crises that were going on. 

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