Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Selfie with Carrie Mae Weems

Carrie Mae Weem's Family Pictures and Stories
Dominique Holley, 2021 

When Artists Create Flags - Artworks of Creative Time’s Pledges of Allegiance Project  

Tania Bruguera - Dignity Has No Nationality, 2017                                                                 “she envisions a global cartographic context that is more just and fluid, where all people have dignity, regardless of their nationality.”       

Robert Longo - Untitled (Dividing Time), 2017                                                                     “Depicting the American flag on two panels separated by five inches, the flag reflects the current symptomatic divide in the country.”

Painting With Words, Writing With Color 

“physical space mingles with one’s experience of it” 

“All her pieces rely on text to put their points across.“I’ve always been a writer. The written word always comes first when I’m doing a painting,”

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