Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Flag Self Portrait

     When creating my flag I was inspired by Robert Longo and Josephine Mecksper from last week's readings. Both artists used their own interpretations of the American flag to use for their projects. In my flag, I used 19 stars to represent the years that I have lived. I used my name in one of my stripes because I feel my name represents who I am. Names are important to me because it tells who a person is and can represent where they are from. I used my date of birth and time of birth in another stripe. This marks the moment that I was brought into this world and I consider that to be a significant part of who I am. In my third stripe, I put the place that I am from. I was born and raised in Plainfield, New Jersey and most of my family is from this city too. I left the fourth stripe, empty to represent the uncertainties I have about who I am. In my final stripe, I used symbols to represent my aspirations in life as well as my current studies. 

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