Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Flag Self Portrait

    I really did not have anything to make the flag in my house so I tried my best to do it online. My flag represents the person I am overall and how people notice me over the years as a person. The plane the describes me as a traveler because I love to travel since I was a little girl since the pandemic I also traveled but with cautious late December I went to Florida and just last week I went to Orlando I am making my goal to travel at-least 7 times a year.  My name represents a big part of me because no one really knows how to say my name correctly and it is spelled differently but pronounced like the boy name also has a special meaning to my family. The two girls with the bags represents me always shopping as people know me because I love spending money as I always tell them money comes and goes and I will get it back anyways so I am never pressed about going out and spending it on anything I want. The hands represent me always being determined through anything and just having persistence. The wig on the right hand side represents a big side of me because many people know me as "Elysha the girl with the long hair" since I was little I never cut my hair and my hair just plays a big role in my life. The quote on the left hand side stating, "stay strong and power on" means a-lot to me as growing up my childhood was not the best so in any situation I tend to thing positive and strong because that is the best you can do at any situation and that is always my motto in life. 


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