Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Performance piece

                        (I’m allergic to apples)

bell hooks:

Understanding patriarchy 

“ In service to patriarchy her task was to reinforce that Dad had done the right thing in putting me in my place, by restoring the natural social order. “(21)

“Both perspectives accurately describe our predicament. Men do oppress women. People are hurt by rigid sexist role patterns. These two realities coexist. Male oppression of women cannot be excused by the recognition that there are ways men are hurt by rigid sexist roles.” (26)

The oppositional gaze

“Every black woman I spoke to with who was/is an ardent moviegoer, a lover of the Hollywood film, testified that to experience fully the pleasure of that cinema they had to close down critique, analysis; they had to forget racism. And mostly they did not think about sexism. “(120)

“Mainstream feminist film criticism in no way acknowledges black female spectatorship. It does not even consider the possibility that women can construct an oppositional gaze via an understanding and awareness of the politics of race and racism. Feminist film theory rooted in ahistorical psychoanalytic framework that privileges sexual difference actively suppresses recognition of race, reenacting and mirroring the erasure of black womanhood that occurs in films, silencing any discussion of racial difference—of racialized sexual difference.” (123)

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