Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Selfie with Cindy Sherman


Painting with words, writing with color. Review of Dahlia Elsayed exhibition at New Jersey State Museum. 

“This is my way of marking the experience, something I see over and over again in my daily life”  

“For writers and for artists in general, a lot of things start with the personal,... ...the question becomes, how do you take it out of the personal realm and turn it into something universal?” 

When artists create flags- artworks of creative time’s pledges of allegiance project.

“Guided by the notions that art matters, that artists’ voices are important in shaping society, and that public spaces are places for creative and free expression, creative time has been collaborating with thousands of artists to present the most innovative art in public realm over the past four decades. “

“Throughout his practice, Jeremy Deller has been initiating a dialogue between cultures, people, past, present and future. ... his political and thought provoking work encourages people to stay engaged. “

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