Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Reclaiming the Gaze- Ava Gonzalez

Ana Mendieta's art stands out from a lot of other artists. She portrayed different messages and stories through her art that other artists may think would be controversial. I found this quote that agrees with this statement: "Ana Mendieta's art was sometimes violent, often unapologetically feminist and usually raw. She incorporated unusual natural materials like blood, dirt, water and fire, and displayed her work through photography, film, and live performances." Ana Mendieta touched on topics such as, rape or murder through her art. She also created art to break feminine stereotypes by creating work that wasn't ideally "pretty" and what is expected from a woman. Another quote I found was, "commentary on how female bodies are brutally picked apart in contemporary visual culture". Although this picture I re-created wasn't as violent as most, I feel there is a reason as to why she chose to cover her face with flowers. She might have done this as a way to cover any feelings she might have shown on her face or as a cover-up from any harsh experiences she had went through. The flowers came across as a type of mask to me.


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