Monday, May 3, 2021



    As you can tell my selfies are inspired by Andy Warhol as he use to use repeating images and very bright colors. His art work is very unique and stands out to a lot of artists. I chose this particular selfie as self caring because it shows that I am in a happy place even on our worse days at work or school you have to smile. Self care is a lot of things such as taking care of your mental health and physical self but to also be sure you are having fun and caring for yourself first. I took this picture after a hard day at work and I was very stressed I ended up taking a whole bunch of pictures. 

Finkelstein, Chapter 2 Manners - 

"As I stopped at the traffic light, I had touched the electric button to close the passenger window. When they turned to look at me, I was looking at them but actually looking at my window" (Pg 75) 

I chose this quote because while i was taking this picture it was at a stop sign where the car next to me was staring at me taking this selfie. This specific quote can mean a-lot of things such as no one can see inside the car because they have something that blocks it or even blocking people out. As well still being traumatized to the current car crash that occurred. 

"The rules of etiquette can appear frivolous and superficial ; they are, after all, not obviously related to the important activities of commerce and politics. Yet they are the medium through which everyday instrumental and pragmatic activities are expressed". (Pg 77) 

I chose this quote because this is very true because this is a very important quote as people do express important activities of commerce and politices till this day especially when Covid-19 first happened and Black Lives Matter protest where happening all over the world. 

Finkelstein, Chapter 3- 

"We are in an era where impressions matter, and where reputation is both an asset and a liability. Part of our daily maintenance now is to secure personal details and prevent becoming ‘anonymized’ or invisible." (Pg 122)   

Impressions always mattered even when you first meet someone you have 5 seconds to make the first impression or people will just think bad about you or judge you on those 5 seconds you gave as an impression and than there goes your reputation. 

"It minimum the self is bifurcated, it has a double ; there is the conscious and unconscious, private and public, civilized and base, good and bad, and we can create ourselves as well-rounded beings from the management of these seemingly opposed elements. (Pg 126) 



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