Thursday, May 13, 2021

Self Portrait Project

Andy Warhol

                                                                    Jean Michel Basquiat

Amy Sherald

    When creating my self portrait collage I thought of Jean Michel Basquiat and Amy Sherald. I feel as though Jean Michel Basquiat has a fun sense of color and playfulness in his pieces and though I personally perfer black and white photos or pieces, his choices of color tend to have my eyes interested. Amy Sherald self portraits are empowering and so detailed. Even seems that feel like you're meeting these people through her paintings.My project addresses the themes we have spoken throughout our classes because it stems from the empowerment of women. Although I would not go on to consider my self a feminist, I do believe in women equality and self encouragement. I stand for abuse against women and how the topic as such should be talked over more. I also love that the idea of flowers automatically stick to the concept of women which is funny. When you think flowers, you think more female and I will personally take that stereotype. The media also loves portraying feminine products that surround it self with things such as flowers, almost to make that topic more sensitive or soft. My project speaks to my identity because I feel like flowers are strong and they bloom even after much time through darkness such as winter. In many ways I feel like I relate to that simple concept of growth and leaving the past in the past. 

                                                                                                    Quotes :

                                                                   Wangechi Mutu: A New Face for the Met

"It is testament to her belief that, like street theater or religious rituals, art can nudge viewers toward congregation."

The one thing that’s always missing — I think it’s part of the trauma — is the personal element. My parents don’t often talk about their experiences in terms of how it made them feel.”

                                    An Illustrated Guide to Guy Debord’s ‘The Society of the Spectacle’

It can be found on every screen that you look at. It is the advertisements plastered on the subway and the pop-up ads that appear in your browser. It is the listicle telling you “10 things you need to know about ‘x.’” 

"Images influence our lives and beliefs on a daily basis; advertising manufactures new desires and aspirations."

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