Thursday, March 4, 2021

Selfie with Mickalene Thomas

 Bell Hooks: Understanding Patriarchy


-“Our sense of gender roles was learned from our parents, from the ways we saw them behave.” (pg.19)

- “it is not accident that feminists began to use the word “patriarchy” to replace the more commonly used “male chauvinism” and “sexism.” These courageous voices wanted men and woman to become more  aware of the way patriarchy affects us all.” (pg. 25)


Bell Hooks: The Oppositional Gaze


-“ The concept “Woman” effaces the difference between woman in specific socio-historical contexts, between women defined precisely as historical subjects rather than as a psychic subject (or non-subject).” (pg. 124)

-“We are afraid to talk about ourselves as spectators because we have been so abused by ‘the gaze’.” (pg. 125)


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