Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Elysha's Self Portrait Performance


            For my self portrait I decided to use pictures from a Black Lives Matter March I attended previously this summer which is addressing a socio-political issue in todays society.  Black Lives Matter grew a lot after the death of George Floyd, especially after they were protecting the cops who killed them. it started as like a couple of rallies for justice for him then it grew bigger into this huge thing all over the world. Then people starting to fight for justice for Breonna Taylor a lot too. These pictures have a-lot of value and meaning behind them.
        While these protest were becoming viral as you can say police officers were using their power to get away with anything with the protesters. Such as they used their tasters, physical force, tear gas and pepper spray. The unnecessary use of force and sometimes excessive use of force by police against the protesters exhibits the very systemic racism and impunity they had taken to the streets to protest. Some protest became extremely violent as others were peaceful when the police officers started the violence. It came to the point that protesters vandalized many high business properties and family stores. 

    Since the beginning of time african american's fought to become equal to have equality in America and till this day they still fight to have the same privileges and equality within the social justice system and system overall. Things became more viral since everything is now being recorded so people can not get away with stuff that they use to get away with anymore. People are losing their jobs, police officers are taking off their body cameras and police officers are becoming aware of their surroundings. 

    John Berger, Chapters 4 and 5
    "The tradition, however, still forms many of our cultural assumptions. It defines what we mean by pictorial likeness. Its norms still affect the way we see such subjects as landscape, women, food, dignitaries, mythology". Pg 84 

"The art of any culture will show a wide difference of talent. But in no other culture is the difference between 'masterpiece' and average work so large as in the tradition of the oil painting". Pg 88 

"Whilst acknowledging the existence of the exceptional works, to which we shall return later, let us first look broadly at this tradition". Pg 88 

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