Thursday, February 18, 2021

Selfie with Frida Kahlo


Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait with Loose Hair, 1947
Mayra Rodriguez, Self-Portrait with Loose Hair, 2021

Ways of seeing by John Berger


- “When in love, the sight of the beloved has a completeness which no words and no embrace can match: a completeness which only the act of making love can temporarily accommodate.” (pg.8)

- “It is hard to define exactly how the words have changed the image but undoubtedly they have. The image now illustrates the sentence.”(pg.28)


The Art of Self Invention by Joanne Finkelstien


- “As happy and congenial as the marriage between Bertrande and the new Martin Guerre seemed to be, the affair ended in two courts of law, undone by the testimony of more than 150 witnesses”(pg.42)

- “Deception multiplies possibilities and brings into existence the danger of the unexpected.”(pg.49)


Overlooked No More: Ana Mendieta 


- “Mendieta’s stature as an artist was never fully recognized in her lifetime”

- “The trauma of being uprooted from her Cuban homeland as a  girl would leave her with questions about her identity and make her more conscious of being a woman of color.”

 Words Describing Frida Kahlo

Passionate, feminist, loyal, caring, different, inspirational, loving, creative, talented, misery, pain, freedom, depression, traditional, and true self.

Words Describing Myself

Loving, scared, freedom, caring, sensitive, unique, hard worker, curious, spontaneous, honest, imperative, fun, weird, emotionally unstable, broken.

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